Episode 217 – Well-Groomed Human-Animal Relationships

Not surprisingly, after I edited this podcast I got to thinking about the different meanings of the word groom. In addition to referring to the act of accomplishing those tasks that enable others to look their best, it also describes those who accomplish that task  for others. Additionally a groom is a man about to marry. When used as a verb it also refers to  preparing someone for a specific position, usually an elevated one. We speak of someone being groomed to take over as head of a company of large project. In this case, grooming seeks to make the other mentally and emotionally as well as physically fit for the position.

Interestingly, in this country the media and political junkies used to refer to candidates being groomed for office. But now they’re more likely to speak of them being handled instead. Anyone familiar with the dog show world will recognize the subtle, but telling, difference between being groomed and being handled.

When it comes to building and maintaining a long-term solid relationship with an animal based on mutual trust, I’d much rather be a groom than a handler.