Episode 268 – The Prince and Behavior

Years ago I attended one of those compulsory academic social events in which a lot of people from different disciplines congregated. I can’t remember the exact reason the subject of alcohol abuse came up, although it’s possible that the long line at the cash bar played a role. During the discussion one member of the group, declared that the problem never would be resolved in his home state. Like others in the group I expressed interest in what about the population in that particular state may him so pessimistic.

“Oh, it’s not that we have more people with these problems or that their problems are more serous,” he assured us. “It’s just that there are so many groups employing so many people devoted to the treatment of these problems that the state’s economy would tank if these were solved.”

Lately it seems that dealing with fear and anxiety increasingly fills that niche in many areas. And as so often occurs, if something affects us, more often than not it also will affect our animals.