Episode 322 – The Clever Lens Effect

Where does your mind go when you’re taking videos of your animal? Are you in the moment or is your mind off somewhere? The few times I’ve attempted to video the resident quadrupeds, the results have been sufficiently underwhelming that I gave up. At best, they act suspicious and slink around. At worse, as act as if they’ve been pithed. Either way, it’s nothing I want recorded for posterity.

If we accept that the human animal bond is a bilateral physiological and behavioral phenomenon, then it’s reasonable to assume that anything that changes our behavior is capable of changing theirs. But typically we speak of this in terms of active displays. How we relate to them when we’re happy, sad, or calm and relaxed—that kind of thing. But what kind of connection do we form with them when we sort of seem to be looking at them but sort of not? Could our clever lenses turn out to generate a technological version of the Clever Hans Effect?