Episode 401 – Fussy, Finicky, or Really Smart Feline Feeders?

The podcaster returns after some sorely needed time off. When the only two potential podcast subjects that intrigued me were porpoise snot and whale earwax, I knew it was time for a break. Not that I’ve abandoned these subjects…

IMG_0331Nor did I lounge about during this time. Instead I converted a 4-cord stack of wood inIMG_0335to a more or less orderly woodpile. And I
removed enough weeds to expose last winter’s hardy botanical survivors. The mild winter turned out to be a very tough on all but the old stand-bys that will grow pretty much anywhere. There’s a lesson in there somewhere.



But back to cats. This podcast explores some new insights into the highly complex world of feline appetite and food preference. If ever there was a subject that proved the old saying, “The more you know, the more you need to know, this is it.