Episode 436- To Catch a Thief

An old saying reminds us that the best way to catch a thief is to send a thief, and a fair number of people consider rats master thieves. Consequently, African giant pouched rats seem like the ideal animal to accomplish the seeming impossible: track down illegal shipments of hardwood and pangolin parts hidden inside transport containers in coastal African shipping ports. The line-up of key components in this life-and-death struggle include: the pangolin (image 1), bags of confiscated pangolin scales (image 2), containers of illegally shipped hardwood (image 3), a possible hero, a.k.a. an African giant pouched rat (image 4)and the field of battle (image5)

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4

Image 5

It’s a daunting task and I wish the rats and trainers involved in the program the very best.